Vanilla Custard High-Protein Ice Cream (Low-carb, gluten-free, dairy-free)

Hello there! Well, I’m still having lots of fun with my Ninja Creami and just created a brand-new recipe to share with you. It’s a delicious, rich vanilla ice cream that meets all the criteria listed above: low in carbs, high in protein, and free from gluten, dairy, and sugar. How can that be possible?!

Well, the Creami does most of the work, honestly. I can’t take too much credit. It turns a hard, frozen block of ice cream custard into a scoopable frozen dessert in less than a minute. This thing is seriously amazing. But yes, the ingredients matter too. Egg yolks create a rich flavor and texture (and add biotin and choline, two important nutrients), plant milk delivers most of the volume without many calories, konjac root provides smoothness, and protein powder gives it – you guessed it – more protein. 🙂

So here’s what I’ve put together for you. See what you think, and please let me know in the comments if you try it!


4 egg yolks

1 3/4 c. Silk cashew milk (or other plant-based milk)

2 tsp. butter or plant-based spread

2 tsp. vanilla

1/4 tsp. liquid stevia OR 2 Tbs. of granulated sweetener (my favorite is Monk Fruit in the Raw)

1 scoop unflavored protein powder (I use Ancient Nutrition Collagen Peptides)

1 tsp. konjac root powder


  1. Combine egg yolks, sweetener, and 1/2 c. milk in a small pan over medium-low heat. Cook and stir constantly until mixture is steaming and slightly thickened.
  2. Remove from heat and pour into Creami pint container. Stir in the butter and vanilla untl smooth. Add remaining milk and stir until combined.
  3. Sprinkle protein powder and konjac root powder over the liquid mixture, whisking continuously. Whisk until well-combined.
  4. Place the lid firmly on the Creami container and freeze for 24 hours or until frozen solid.
  5. Take the container out of the freezer 10-15 minutes before you plan to mix it in the Creami. (Putting it straigtht from the freezer into the Creami can result in powdery ice cream.)
  6. Follow Creami instruction manual to insert container into the machine and mix the ice cream. I use the “ice cream” setting for this recipe.

Yield: 2 cups

Nutrition Information (per cup)

Calories: 184

Protein: 11 g

Net carbs: 2 g

Fat: 14 g

Fiber: 2 g

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